DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) – North Texas Republicans are rubbing elbows and raising money in Dallas Wednesday night for a potential White House run.
A fundraiser for Jeb Bush is being held in the home of Kelli and Gerald Ford, with tight security due to another headliner who’s attending: Jeb’s brother, former President George W. Bush.
Jeb hasn’t declared he’s running for President yet, so he is raising money for his political organization. Organizers hope attendees will either donate or raise up to $100,000 per couple.
Former Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, who’s on Jeb’s national executive committee, is among those attending.
Hutchison has called Jeb a successful Governor of Florida, and a principled leader whose conservative credentials are “impeccable.”
She also acknowledged grassroots and Tea Party Republicans question how conservative Jeb really is and don’t want to continue what they call a Bush dynasty when there are other qualified candidates.
“I think that’s a valid point of view. But I think in this case, Jeb is his own person. He’s different from President George Bush or H.W. Bush. He’s his own person with his own record of accomplishments,” she said.
Jeb Bush’s fundraiser comes two days after the man who succeeded Hutchison in the Senate, Ted Cruz announced he is running for president.
Former Texas Governor Rick Perry says he’ll announce whether he’s also running for the White House in May or June.